Flytech possesses 134 patent assets globally, underscoring our commitment to innovation and the intellectual property (IP) that drives it. We believe in fostering innovation through a balanced and equitable approach to IP systems. Our goal is to achieve balanced protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. As intellectual property rights represent significant intangible assets for our company, patents serve as tangible evidence of our R&D prowess, while trade secrets are pivotal to our competitive edge. To sustain and enhance the advantages and value of our intellectual property, we have developed a specialized intellectual property plan.
Patent Protection and Management System
Flytech is dedicated to pioneering new technologies and solutions, actively leveraging significant patents to establish technical protections and safeguard the company's research and development outcomes and intellectual property rights. In pursuit of this objective, we have implemented a comprehensive patent management system aimed at enhancing the quality of our patents.
Our approach encompasses the following strategies and processes:
Patent Application Strategy
We encourage the filing of invention patents to expand our global patent portfolio coverage.Patent Application Process
We regularly update our patent applications and evaluate proposals systematically.Patent Maintenance Process
We conduct periodic reviews of patent status to ensure accurate allocation of patent investment.
Trade Secret Protection and Management System
Our priority lies in safeguarding trade secrets through the implementation of comprehensive protective measures and management protocols across employee and corporate operations. To achieve this goal, we implement the following policies:
- Ensuring that all new employees sign agreements including the Service Contract, Confidentiality Contract, Information Software and Hardware Use Agreement, and Personal Data and Business Secret Protections Statement.
- Conducting regular information security advocacy and business secrets-themed education and training sessions for all employees.
- Establishing differentiated access levels to the company's confidential information based on the degree of confidentiality.