Flytech Technology

Investor Relations

Board of Directors

Board members and their professional backgrounds

Current situation of implementing board member diversity

The company made its Company Governance Principles based on the Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx-Listed Companies. In these principles, below the strengthening of the board’s job functions part, is a regulation that reads, “the Board of Directors should consist of a diverse group of members. The company’s operations, management models and development needs should embrace a principle of diversity that shall include but not be limited to two major aspects: (I) Basic personal information and values: gender, age, nationality, and cultural background; (II) Expertise and skills: specialized background (such as law, accounting, industry, finance, sales, or technology), specialized skills, industry experience, etc.”
The company board’s diversified and specific goal achievement situations are explained below:

  1. Gender goal: Female directors accounting for 25% of all the directors (or two seats).
    Achievement situations: The company elected one female director in 2018, accounting for 14%. The company will continue to work on this part.
  2. Age goal: Those below age 60 accounting for 30%.
    Achievement situation: Three directors are under age 60 in newly elected directors in 2021, accounting for more than 30% of all directors. The goal of having a younger BOD is achieved.
  3. Education/work goal: higher than master’s degree holders or professional managers of TAIEX and OTC listed companies.
    Achievement situation: One doctorate degree holder and five master’s degree holders. External directors are all professional managers concurrently or formerly working at TAIEX and OTC listed companies, or is senior professors in the national university. The goal is achieved.
  4. Professional goal: Operational judgment ability, accounting and financial analysis ability, operational management ability, crisis handling ability,industrial knowledge, international market outlook, leadership, decision-making ability.

Current situation: The backgrounds of the directors are as shown in the following table. The goal of diversified complementariness has been achieved.

● denotes ability. ○ denotes some ability.