Flytech Technology


Flytech Technology reported 1H 2015 EPS 3.33


(Taipei, Aug 13th 2015) Flytech Technology (6206 TW) Board of director admitted 1H 2015 financial results. The worldwide consolidated revenue was NT$2,576M with YoY 18%. Operating profit was NT$547M with YoY 21% and profit after tax was NT$454M with 16% YoY growth, representing EPS was 3.33 based on 6/30/2015 weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares 136M. (Note: Paid in capital increase from 1/1/2015 NT$1,329M to 6/30/2015 NT$1,395M due to CB conversion)


As of 2Q15, worldwide consolidated revenue reached NT$1,397M with 19% QoQ and 18% YoY up, hitting the historical high level. Operating profit was NT$300M with 22% QoQ, breaking the historical high level as well.